So if you have Hemophilia and you are reading this, you know exactly where I am coming from. If not, you're gonna have to try and keep up. I have these bruises. Mysterious, reappearing bruises located on my right bicep (or at least the poor excuse of an upper arm I call my bicep).

Why so mysterious you may ask? Well... I have NO idea how I got them, and they will NOT go away. It has been about three weeks now and these little buggers keep showing up, and it's always when I'm trying to look cute. My little XXS TopMan shirts do NOT cover them and I am forced to use foundation to hide the damage. It is SO not attractive to have bruises on your arm when dancing up a storm at Bartini.
I know it sounds superficial, but I am trying to keep this quasi-light. The problem is that my right arm is obviously bleeding. It is hard to pick things up sometimes, especially over my head. It hurts to push and pull on things. It's just a nuisance to my everyday life.
Why not just infuse?! Well. That is a good question with a long, drawn out multiple part answer. I'll keep it short. Even with my health insurance (Proud Member AEA!) I cannot afford my medication and it's definitely not bad enough to go to the ER. (Don't worry. I have PLENTY of ER stories saved up for future dates.)
I tell myself every day that things could be a lot worse: I could be severe instead of mild-moderate. I could have some weird disorder that makes me smell like a sewer when I sweat (which I don't. Thank God). But it's a little hard sometimes when you feel like you're branded. I'm already different enough with being my fabulous self, I don't need these physical reminders to keep bruising my ego (ba dum kcshhh).
But such is life, and the show must go on. So we grin, bear it, and pull out our Bare Minerals to cover up the unsightly marks. Because let's face it, there isn't another choice.
Till we meet again...
It seems to me that there should be a way to get you factor, even for the "small" bleeds. Have you looked into PSI at all? My lil 9yr old has hemophilia a.severe. So we know how even the small things could be worse than they seam. Ok so enouph mom stuff...
ReplyDeleteI really hope these lil buggers go away. I am glad to be reading your posts thank you
Did you get the bruises before the symptoms of bleeding google says, I have mystery yellow bruises but no bleeding.