So we get up early in the morning and check out so that we can get the van to Freightliner so we can get it fixed and get on the road. Well, we assumed that we would be able to get some kind of breakfast nearby. Nope. Not at all. Thank God they had a coffee pot.
So after a rousing two hours of Phase 10 (I love Phase 10. Brilliant game.), we got the word we could leave. Yeah! So we hop in the van, stop at a 7-11 so we could grab some Slurpies because it was over 100 degrees by 11. And out on the road we went.
Well I started my blog post and was totally unobservant when the following happened...

The van just died. Straight up died. We were going 30 mph up a hill. So I was like, AHHHHHHHH! We had only been driving for an hour. So off to the side of the road we go. And wait. For an hour. And there was NOTHING around.

Omg. So we had two options. Try to make it to a Freightliner further down our route over 200 miles, or turn around and head back to Vegas. Since we were heading into the Rocky Mountains with no acceleration or pickup, we decided to turn back. In making this decision it meant that we would NOT make it to Denver until like 3am, so we decided to just spend another night in Vegas. Oh darn.
So we drive back to the Freightliner and wait to see why the van is still not working. I decided to take this opportunity to call up my Uncle Joey, who I haven't seen in years. Why not? He came and picked me up and we went to In-And-Out burger. YUMMMMM! Come on In-And-Out! Get to the east coast already!
Anywho, after catching up with my Uncle for a bit, I went back to the hotel to check in with the boys.
I'm still getting used to my iPad. And I wrote yesterday's blog post on the iPad. I didn't think it would be a big deal. I would email myself the pictures and then just post when I had wifi. All hotels have wifi... Right? WRONG. Our hotel didn't have wifi and I freaked out. I had to pay $10 for wireless that some outside company has up around Las Vegas, but it was so slow and kept coming in and out. After an hour I finally got the blog up and decided I write on my phone from now on. Hahaha.
After that we decided to go to the pool. So beautiful. It was a gorgeous day outside and Patrick and I had an amazing time in the pool! I was trying to be a little gentle because my elbow was still bothering me. A little ice when no one is looking never hurt anyone.
After swimming for a bit in my FABULOUS new bathing suit, which makes it's first, and last, appearance in this video (I left it at the hotel), we all showered and decided to hit the casino for some food.

We went to New York, New York and decided to get Chineese food at Chin-Chin and it was fantastic. A Sapporo and Philly roll. Just what I needed.

After ALL that happened this day I was so exhausted I cancelled my plan to go to Krave (where they apparently have cute go-go boys), and decided to go to bed because I felt completely...

The beds were comfy and I drifted straight off into dreamland.
Check back tomorrow for my Rocky Mountain High. (Gotta love John Denver...)
Till we meet again...
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