So why this post? Why write about not writing?
Well, for one thing I find irony funny... Come on, HemoHomo? And two, it sometimes takes something major happening in your life to make you realize that the random, pointless, useless things in life really make things seem better.
This has been a harsh week for me. Not only did I completely alienate myself from Tyler's roommates, but my Grandpa Romeo passed. I'm surprised I didn't end up with a bleed with how bad this week is going.
Don't feel too bad; my Pop was 97. He led a long, full life and it was his time. But the idea of death hitting you so close to home can really help you put things in perspective and make you realize what is important and special in your life.
My relationships and family are right at the top of that list. So is my hemophilia.
Wait a minute. My hemophilia is important and special? Absolutely. It's easy to sit here and complain about the burdens that make us different, and that means it's hard to thank those unique imperfections for forming who we are.
I know that I would not be who I am today without embracing my bleeding disorder (or my homosexuality for that matter). Growing up I usually saw it as this overwhelming burden that I would never be able to shake. And so you begin to base your life around it. Music camp instead of sports. Running instead of football. Movies instead of skating. And I don't think I would have ever become a truly fulfilled individual today, being happy with my career, love life, and family all at the same time, if I wasn't ablest truly embrace my disorder while still keeping it at bay.
So Thank You Hemophilia. Thank you for helping to shape me into this person, and hopefully this is a person my Pop will be proud of as he looks down on me.
I know. Weird post, but it'll make you think a little. My advice? Instead of complaining about the things we hate about ourselves, let's all try to embrace them and make that a positive trait. Just because we may not like something about ourselves, doesn't mean that others feel that way. So be you. All of you. All the time.
Till we meet again...
Location:New Jersey 10,,United States
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