Okay. So this is just a quick blog post that will have more photos later. I am in a show entitled "Naked Boys Singing." It is an Off-Broadway musical review about being naked and gay. Basically. Well. Although I have only been a cast member since September, The show has been running for TWELVE years and tonight (well, last night) we had our 3,000 performance which is a big deal in theatre terms. I will be posting professional pictures with links as they become available, but my boy took this one. I hope all is well. Talk about liking the dream huh? ANYTHING can happen if you let it. Even a bleeder in an Off-Broadway show celebrating a milestone.

Till we meet again...
Location:E 72nd St,New York,United States
can't wait to see the show again! i watched it first 10 years ago when it as still playing on christopher st. :)