But I love her.
It's true. She's amazing. And after watching her on "The View" today, I have so much more respect for her.
Yeah, the Gays love her 'cause she's all about owning who you are and about how everyone should respect that, and maybe it is because I'm a big ol' 'mo, but it's really easy to buy into all that. But watching "The View" today, and seeing all these women, over 30, putting their "paws up" made me realize there is so much more to her message than just loving those of us who love purple unicorns...
It really is true this mantra that she sings of... We are all Born This Way.
When I was in elementary school, there was a male health teacher I had who was trying to explain the basics of genetics to a bunch of 11 year olds, and he basically boiled it down to this analogy:
"It's like playing cards. We all get dealt a hand at random, and then we all have to play the game in front of us. Some of us get some lousy cards, but doesn't mean we still can't win."
And that really hit home for me, as I sat there in class wearing my helmet. I didn't choose to be different, I just was. I was dealt a not so great card, the hemo card, but that didn't mean I couldn't do ANYTHING I wanted to, and so from that point on I decided to never let it get me down. And I haven't.
And it blows my mind that while going out to Splash and dancing my ass off to "Born This Way," I haven't even thought about it as anything more than just a new Gay Anthem. Instead, it's kind of like the new "Free to Be, You and Me." (For those of you too young to have ANY idea what I'm talking about.... click here for a YouTube Clip)
So thank you, mother monster. Although it's something I have known for a while, it's good to put it out there in a different way, so that everyone knows, that we are all Born This Way. There is nothing wrong with it. Just pick up your cards, play your hand, and come out the winner, because cards may be a lot of luck, but it's mostly skill and strategy that will get you through the hand, and win you that giant pot of cash (or, in my case, pennies because I don't have enough money to actually play in the big leagues).
Till we meet again...
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