Usually before writing a post I have a reason, or at least a plan in mind. Today, not so much. Maybe it's the Gin talking, but I'm gonna try a stream of consciousness thing today. So hold on to your hats, this may be a bumpy ride.

I feel like Memorial Day is the official start of summer. I can now wear my white pants... I can now run at the park instead of the gym (not that I ever go to the gym anyway)... And I have to start using makeup to cover up all of the unsightly bruises that cover my legs so I can wear my cute shorts.
I also see Memorial Day as a second New Years. Time to make some resolutions for the summer. To make some positive life choices and really think about where life is heading. Summer is also a big time for me because it means I made it through May...
I don't know about any other Hemophiliacs out there, but I have problem months. Months where brushing up against a table causes a hip bleed where as if I fall down another month, I stand up unscathed. May is one of those months for me, so if I make it through without a hospital visit... I'm a happy camper. (Literally, because then I may go camping in June... GET IT?!?! MAY go camping in JUNE?!?! I'm so punny).
So although we need to remember the true meaning of this holiday and remember all of those brave men and women who have helped us to be free (although I can't get married...), I urge people to also think of Memorial Day as a new beginning. A time to move past all of the winter drama and shed not only our coats, but our insecurities as well.
It's summer, baby! Time to live it up! But don't live it up too hard... Because then you'll have to infuse and that's a big buzz kill. Literally cause this Red Snapper got me buzzed...
Till we meet again...
Location:E 4th St., New York City
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