A bubbly blog about boys, bleeding, and the basics between.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Call Me Irresponsible...

So wow. I mention it on here a lot about how I'm a bad hemophiliac. I am never prepared. Never ready for when an episode actually hits. And here we are. Sitting in a waiting room waiting to get infused because I dropped the ball... Or the soap... And got royally, well, you know what happens when you drop the soap...

So the other day I woke up and my right ankle felt so tight. Like... Super tight. And hurt. Meh! That happens. So I stretched it out and got on my way to work. It felt better.

I should explain where the pain is. If you could get a bleed in your tendon, I would assume my Achilles was bleeding, but I know that's silly, so I assume it is the muscle surrounding/controlling the tendon that is having the issue... Okay... Back to the story...

So I'm at Belcourt, setting up the bar, and it starts bothering me again... And it only gets worse. And worse. And worse. By the time 6pm rolls around I'm taking breaks just to go downstairs and cry a little because it hurt so bad. Everyone was really nice and let me go home as soon as I could, so I went home and started icing, and wrapping, and icing, and wrapping... Over and over.

I slept a total of 3 hours.

So then I wake up the next morning and try to stretch it out, and it's still bothering me... I have mobility back, but still bothering me. So this is the moment of truth where I decide to Stimate (a nasal spray used in mild Hemophiliacs to boost the existing factor level to a higher, but still semi-low, amount), or infuse with Factor VIII. Only one problem. I don't have either.

There are times in our lives when we need to be prepared, to not drop the ball (or whatever you drop) when it comes to the important factors of our lives. Be it making sure you have your EpiPen, inhaler, or, in my case, factor, you have to have the things that keep you healthy on hand. And I did not. My factor was not on me due to a mishap involving phone calls between my pharmacy and HTC (which, in theory, is still my fault because I should have been more on top of it), and because I never brought my prescription to the pharmacy because the excuse was... I'll have more money next week for the co-pay.

So here, on a random Thursday afternoon, I had 2 nurses scrambling during a normal work day with other patients just to try and find a way to get me my medication, and a clinical pharmacist at Affinity, scrambling to try and get medication together for an overnight delivery so I could have more if needed the following day. And it was all because I was irresponsible.

I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for Donna and Maria and NY-Pres and for Jean (and Matt and Michael) at Affinity Biotech.

I have to say it is feeling better, but I do have it wrapped and still don't have full flexing motion in my ankle, but I now know that from this point on I'll be ready...

So... As the evilicious Scar states so beautifully in The Lion King, Be Prepared! Because this time, I was lucky.... And all we as know, Luck is a Lady (Tonight), but I've never been too suave with the lady folk so I'm gonna try this responsibility angle. Ugh...

Till we meet again...

Location:New York - Presbyterian

1 comment:

  1. Like we talked about, sometimes it takes an event like this to break you of your habits. Just happy it wasn't worse and like you said, next time you will be prepared! :D
